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1:39 p.m. - 2007-08-22
Oral Surgery
Well here I am stuck at home out of pure fear and ackwardness. I just had oral surgery this past Saturday (August 18th 2007) and my jaw is still swollen. The temp teeth that they gave me feel really ackward and I have been feeling like I look like Mr. Ed for the past few days. Which is still far better than the beetlejuice on steroids look I had going on when I had my car accident.

Anyway, I am feeling like I got my first pair of heels and they don't fit! I went to the doctor last night who says that I am healing well but I am still unable to chew so I been on a mushy diet. NO wonder I am grouchy. LOL

Jon is behaving like an ass. He called Breanna a bitch and I have about had it with this man. He has threatened to leave AGAIN! and it's like I am happy about the idea like I could finally get my life back in order. The things that I want to do I should do one way or another regardless. I don't know why I am even waisting my time waiting for ....SOMETHING! I don't know. Meanwhile time is tick tick ticking away.



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